Dec. 9, 2006 (SDL) --On 9/11, in the midst of several other war games, a shadow government consisting of PNAC signatories, neoconservatives and oligarch Republicans tested its ability to can the federal government and the Constitution, and to run things from secret fortified bunkers.
Though this war game has yet to be named, the sequence of events building up to and on the day of 9/11 attest to the probable existence of such a game.
(see the link for the rest)
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Thursday, November 30, 2006
The Military Industrial Complex
Eisenhower Farewell Speech:
The Military Complex List:
Quote: (Section IV of Transcript)
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
"...we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite."
Eisenhower warns against the very thing that has happened within our military -- misplaced power and influence.
November - 246 publicly reported defense contracts have been awarded totaling $17,425,359,197. This is only 1 month our of 3 yrs at war.
You say this isn't a moneymaking War?
You say the Military Industrial Complex isn't a business -- a BIG BUSINESS?
Think again! Greed and power have taken over.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Timeline of 20th Century Defining Moments
1913 -The enactment of the Federal Reserve Act in the United State of America. This provided the moneychangers with absolute fiscal control over what was to become the most powerful nation in history. From this date onwards we discovered the continuing manipulation of the American dream. This dream of multicultural freedom and liberty would decay into a racial and social nightmare. Culminating in the most dysfunctional society on the face of the globe, ravaged by addiction, dependency, indoctrination, mistrust, animosity, and economic slavery. The social, economic, and military model which promised so much in the beginning of this century has failed miserably. The establishment of a Central Banking System using Fractional Reserve Banking policy would spread to almost every nation in the free world.
1919 -The Bolshevik Revolution and the implementation of Leninist-style Marxist Communism provided the moneychangers with the perfect foil to modern capitalism and a sure method of effecting divide and rule techniques. With communism firmly entrenched in Europe through the Bolsheviks, the spread of social democracy became a vital priority in Western democracies. This spread of the benign virus would move on apace until finally every nation was infected.
1929 -The stock market crash of the century would usher in a vital piece of the moneychangers' plan for totalitarian domination over global finances. This piece of brutal manipulation would serve as a timely reminder for generations of political leaders worldwide to pay attention to the whims of the moneychangers — any departure from the master plan would be punished immediately by assassination or economic emasculation.
1945 -The Manhattan Project and the emergence of atheistic science with the dropping of atomic weapons on Japan continued the breach of public trust by leadership over the citizens of earth. This example of arrogant disregard for citizens set in stone the mindset that people are born exclusively for the benefit of the state. The gradual usurpation of national constitutions and citizens' rights flowed directly from this major act of treasonous atheistic science. Other equally dangerous experiments, such as the Philadelphia Experiment involving the U.S.S. Eldridge in 1943, paled next to the shadow cast by the terror of atomic weaponry and power generation worldwide.
1947 -The Roswell crash, involving a UFO of extraterrestrial origin, marked the irrevocable breach of trust whereby the state finally abrogated all responsibility to its citizens. The ensuing cover-up and trail of lies and deceit will remain a blight on civilization forever, not to mention the nearly missed opportunity for all humans to benefit from a higher intelligence and resulting possibility for peace on earth. The benefits from back-engineering the retrieved artifacts from the crashed craft, although beneficial, could have been more productive if all citizens had been given the facts. This Cosmic Watergate would go down as one of the greatest breaches of trust in history. Such was the blatant arrogance of the perpetrators that they simply failed to recognize their acts as treasonous.
1951 -The incorporation of the Internal Revenue System (IRS), taking over from the Federal Treasury all taxation collection in the United States. Being incorporated in a territory of the United States — Puerto Rico — would hint at the illegality of previous and subsequent taxation regimes. This systematic usurpation of taxation powers by federal government would be repeated globally to insure that mounting debt interest would be paid in a timely manner to the moneychangers.
1963 -The assassination of President John F. Kennedy (and his brother Robert in 1967) marked the point of no return for the rapacious moneychangers and the endemic treachery of the secret government of the United States and other global nations. This act of treachery would prove to be an effective deterrent, warning all world leaders not to stray from the rigid path as set forth by the moneychangers represented by the Federal Reserve System.
1969 -The first human beings to set foot on the moon. The space race was a facade to camouflage the real issues involving a race for dominance by the Industrial Military Complex over the perceived "alien threat" that the militarists had invented out of paranoia and unwise ideology. Manned space flights to distant planets is simply a contradiction in terms to any rational thinkers. We must first master our own way of living and ourselves before we venture out into the cosmos.
1971 -The Group of Seven Nations' decision to abandon the gold and silver standard world-wide. This would free up the cadre of moneychanger-controlled central banks to launch a full-scale attack on the global financial system using Fractional Reserve Lending practices. Inflation, through the dramatic rise in world debt, set the scene for the whirlwind that lies in store for the world at large. This dramatic rise in debt to Central Banks and the moneychangers ensured that the master plan would culminate soon after the year 2000, as had been planned three centuries earlier by the Rothschild-inspired Adam Weishaupt.
1974 -With the end of the Vietnam War came an oil crisis as a result of the South Vietnamese vast off-shore oil reserves falling out of western control, represented primarily by the United States. With the oil reserves firmly in Russian hands, OPEC acted swiftly and decisively to effect this capital transfer, which was completed in just under twelve months. The Oil Crisis instigated by OPEC, on behalf of the Arab oil-producing cartel of the Middle East, saw oil price rises of astronomical proportions, which effectively transferred one-third of the Western world’s capital to Arab hands and the international bankers — the moneychangers. This act of greed and malice gave rise to almost two decades of rampant inflation, as production costs increased. As a result of the ongoing oil price rises impacting on global economies, we witnessed crippling global inflation. All the while, the moneychangers were exchanging paper money, using Fractional Reserve Lending, for gold reserves and their exclusive benefit.
1981 -The inauguration of President Ronald Reagan and the ensuing “borrow and spend” policy of his and George Bush's twelve years escalated the U.S. national debt beyond imagination. The Reagan and Bush years of “trickle down economics” were the final phase of fiscal irresponsibility, which played right into the hands of the international bankers — the moneychangers. The deliberate bankrupting of the United States was the joint effort of both liberal and conservative Congress, together with the short-sighted expedient policies to win the Cold War at any cost. Compromise and treachery became the order of the day, as the political agenda of unwise men and women was prosecuted relentlessly. During this period of fiscal suicide, the sacred trust that each generation owes to the next was breached and totally abandoned. All sense of virtue that remained in the political mindset was thrust into the background by ensuing generations of officialdom. The whole decade of the 1980s would break out and expose a level of crass materialism never before seen in our long history. This spending spree was further aggravated by the ever-present debilitating effect of rampant inflation.
1989 -The destruction of the Berlin Wall brought to a close the tyranny of the Eastern Bloc communist regimes. Once again in our long history, we witness a complete failure of this social disease regurgitated by Karl Marx, then executed by Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and all of the other criminally insane minds who aspired to this false ideology. We must not forget that lurking in the shadows of so-called Western societies and their democracies was the global virus of modern socialism, dressed up and camouflaged in many instances as social democracy. New phrases such as “social justice” and “politically correct” ushered in the final social disruption of the last decade of the twentieth century.
1991 -The Gulf War, under the auspices of the United Nations, would serve the moneychangers well in executing their culminating plan during the last decade of the twentieth century. The Desert Storm operation overseen by the U.S. military, in concert with the United Nations, would be a precursor for the ushering in of the New World Order. Fought over the resource of oil, this short but technologically potent war demonstrated once and for all the dire possibilities for global annihilation using computer- and satellite-guided smart missiles, with the threat of biological weapons and their suicidal consequences being averted. This demonstration of absolute power, by the only remaining super power on earth, was designed to act as a timely reminder of the technological advances that had been wrought on our civilization by the Industrial Military Complex. This complex, of course, is made up of a conglomeration of transnational corporations, all under the direct or indirect control of the moneychangers, the elitist international bankers
1919 -The Bolshevik Revolution and the implementation of Leninist-style Marxist Communism provided the moneychangers with the perfect foil to modern capitalism and a sure method of effecting divide and rule techniques. With communism firmly entrenched in Europe through the Bolsheviks, the spread of social democracy became a vital priority in Western democracies. This spread of the benign virus would move on apace until finally every nation was infected.
1929 -The stock market crash of the century would usher in a vital piece of the moneychangers' plan for totalitarian domination over global finances. This piece of brutal manipulation would serve as a timely reminder for generations of political leaders worldwide to pay attention to the whims of the moneychangers — any departure from the master plan would be punished immediately by assassination or economic emasculation.
1945 -The Manhattan Project and the emergence of atheistic science with the dropping of atomic weapons on Japan continued the breach of public trust by leadership over the citizens of earth. This example of arrogant disregard for citizens set in stone the mindset that people are born exclusively for the benefit of the state. The gradual usurpation of national constitutions and citizens' rights flowed directly from this major act of treasonous atheistic science. Other equally dangerous experiments, such as the Philadelphia Experiment involving the U.S.S. Eldridge in 1943, paled next to the shadow cast by the terror of atomic weaponry and power generation worldwide.
1947 -The Roswell crash, involving a UFO of extraterrestrial origin, marked the irrevocable breach of trust whereby the state finally abrogated all responsibility to its citizens. The ensuing cover-up and trail of lies and deceit will remain a blight on civilization forever, not to mention the nearly missed opportunity for all humans to benefit from a higher intelligence and resulting possibility for peace on earth. The benefits from back-engineering the retrieved artifacts from the crashed craft, although beneficial, could have been more productive if all citizens had been given the facts. This Cosmic Watergate would go down as one of the greatest breaches of trust in history. Such was the blatant arrogance of the perpetrators that they simply failed to recognize their acts as treasonous.
1951 -The incorporation of the Internal Revenue System (IRS), taking over from the Federal Treasury all taxation collection in the United States. Being incorporated in a territory of the United States — Puerto Rico — would hint at the illegality of previous and subsequent taxation regimes. This systematic usurpation of taxation powers by federal government would be repeated globally to insure that mounting debt interest would be paid in a timely manner to the moneychangers.
1963 -The assassination of President John F. Kennedy (and his brother Robert in 1967) marked the point of no return for the rapacious moneychangers and the endemic treachery of the secret government of the United States and other global nations. This act of treachery would prove to be an effective deterrent, warning all world leaders not to stray from the rigid path as set forth by the moneychangers represented by the Federal Reserve System.
1969 -The first human beings to set foot on the moon. The space race was a facade to camouflage the real issues involving a race for dominance by the Industrial Military Complex over the perceived "alien threat" that the militarists had invented out of paranoia and unwise ideology. Manned space flights to distant planets is simply a contradiction in terms to any rational thinkers. We must first master our own way of living and ourselves before we venture out into the cosmos.
1971 -The Group of Seven Nations' decision to abandon the gold and silver standard world-wide. This would free up the cadre of moneychanger-controlled central banks to launch a full-scale attack on the global financial system using Fractional Reserve Lending practices. Inflation, through the dramatic rise in world debt, set the scene for the whirlwind that lies in store for the world at large. This dramatic rise in debt to Central Banks and the moneychangers ensured that the master plan would culminate soon after the year 2000, as had been planned three centuries earlier by the Rothschild-inspired Adam Weishaupt.
1974 -With the end of the Vietnam War came an oil crisis as a result of the South Vietnamese vast off-shore oil reserves falling out of western control, represented primarily by the United States. With the oil reserves firmly in Russian hands, OPEC acted swiftly and decisively to effect this capital transfer, which was completed in just under twelve months. The Oil Crisis instigated by OPEC, on behalf of the Arab oil-producing cartel of the Middle East, saw oil price rises of astronomical proportions, which effectively transferred one-third of the Western world’s capital to Arab hands and the international bankers — the moneychangers. This act of greed and malice gave rise to almost two decades of rampant inflation, as production costs increased. As a result of the ongoing oil price rises impacting on global economies, we witnessed crippling global inflation. All the while, the moneychangers were exchanging paper money, using Fractional Reserve Lending, for gold reserves and their exclusive benefit.
1981 -The inauguration of President Ronald Reagan and the ensuing “borrow and spend” policy of his and George Bush's twelve years escalated the U.S. national debt beyond imagination. The Reagan and Bush years of “trickle down economics” were the final phase of fiscal irresponsibility, which played right into the hands of the international bankers — the moneychangers. The deliberate bankrupting of the United States was the joint effort of both liberal and conservative Congress, together with the short-sighted expedient policies to win the Cold War at any cost. Compromise and treachery became the order of the day, as the political agenda of unwise men and women was prosecuted relentlessly. During this period of fiscal suicide, the sacred trust that each generation owes to the next was breached and totally abandoned. All sense of virtue that remained in the political mindset was thrust into the background by ensuing generations of officialdom. The whole decade of the 1980s would break out and expose a level of crass materialism never before seen in our long history. This spending spree was further aggravated by the ever-present debilitating effect of rampant inflation.
1989 -The destruction of the Berlin Wall brought to a close the tyranny of the Eastern Bloc communist regimes. Once again in our long history, we witness a complete failure of this social disease regurgitated by Karl Marx, then executed by Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and all of the other criminally insane minds who aspired to this false ideology. We must not forget that lurking in the shadows of so-called Western societies and their democracies was the global virus of modern socialism, dressed up and camouflaged in many instances as social democracy. New phrases such as “social justice” and “politically correct” ushered in the final social disruption of the last decade of the twentieth century.
1991 -The Gulf War, under the auspices of the United Nations, would serve the moneychangers well in executing their culminating plan during the last decade of the twentieth century. The Desert Storm operation overseen by the U.S. military, in concert with the United Nations, would be a precursor for the ushering in of the New World Order. Fought over the resource of oil, this short but technologically potent war demonstrated once and for all the dire possibilities for global annihilation using computer- and satellite-guided smart missiles, with the threat of biological weapons and their suicidal consequences being averted. This demonstration of absolute power, by the only remaining super power on earth, was designed to act as a timely reminder of the technological advances that had been wrought on our civilization by the Industrial Military Complex. This complex, of course, is made up of a conglomeration of transnational corporations, all under the direct or indirect control of the moneychangers, the elitist international bankers
Carroll Quigley "Tragedy & Hope"
Read the reviews on this book.
Carroll Quigley was a Professor at Georgetown University. He was privy to the world of the elite, and in this book he shares the secrets and sinister plot beginning with the Rothschild family of England. The sinister plot spread to the US when Jacob Schiff immigrated to New York. His one goal was to influence the banking system just like what had happened in England, and place it in the hands of a few private investors. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 set them on their way, and was accomplished through a puppet, President Woodrow Wilson.
Quote of Carroll Quigley:
"The powers of financial capitalism had a far reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The opening of the system was to be the Bank for International settlements in Basil, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank sought to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence co-operative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world."
Carroll Quigley was a Professor at Georgetown University. He was privy to the world of the elite, and in this book he shares the secrets and sinister plot beginning with the Rothschild family of England. The sinister plot spread to the US when Jacob Schiff immigrated to New York. His one goal was to influence the banking system just like what had happened in England, and place it in the hands of a few private investors. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 set them on their way, and was accomplished through a puppet, President Woodrow Wilson.
Quote of Carroll Quigley:
"The powers of financial capitalism had a far reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The opening of the system was to be the Bank for International settlements in Basil, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank sought to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence co-operative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world."
The Rothschilds Grand Scheme of Power and Corruption
This article is riveting. It follows the history of the Rothschild family which begins in England and spreads to the US. It's all about power and greed, and in the US it is accentuated in New York.
The passing of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, played right into the hands of this elite family. This act ensured the elite scheme of power and control over the financial system in our country. The two main families are the Rothschilds from London, and the Schiff's now in New York.
You will be amazed when reading the above document.
The passing of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, played right into the hands of this elite family. This act ensured the elite scheme of power and control over the financial system in our country. The two main families are the Rothschilds from London, and the Schiff's now in New York.
You will be amazed when reading the above document.
The Federal Reserve Deception
The Federal Reserve is a private organization. It began with approximately 300 people or banks that became owners. The ownership of the 12 central banks are the following:
1) Rothschild Bank of London
2) Warburg Bank of Hamburg
3) Rothschild Bank of Berlin
4) Lehman Brothers of New York
5) Lazard Brothers of Paris
6) Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
7) Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
8) Goldman, Sachs of New York
9) Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
10) Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
The 12 Central banks are:
1) Boston, Massachusetts
2) New York, New York * (Most important one)
3) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
4) Cleveland, Ohio
5) Richmond, Virginia
6) Atlanta, Georgia
7) Chicago, Illinois
8) St. Louis, Missouri
9) Minneapolis, Minnesota
10) Kansas City, Missouri
11) Dallas, Texas
12) San Francisco, California
The Federal Reserve Banking Act was passed on December 23, 1913. It permitted aliens through our privately owned Federal Reserve Banks to finance the world wars which were "planned". 4,000 pages of fine print were later slipped into the legislation. This was created at Baruch's Jekyll Island in a secret conference.
Elihu Root blasted this dangerous act in the Senate on December 13, 1913 (See Money Made Mysterious - 3rd book). A few days before the Federal Reserve Act was passed, Senator Root denounced it as an outrage on our liberties and made the following prediction:
Elihu Root quote:
"Long before we wake up from our dreams of prosperity through an inflated currency, our gold, which alone could have kept us from catastrophe, will have vanished and no rate of interest will tempt it to return."
Read more about the Federal Reserve:
Read what Congressman Ron Paul says:
1) Rothschild Bank of London
2) Warburg Bank of Hamburg
3) Rothschild Bank of Berlin
4) Lehman Brothers of New York
5) Lazard Brothers of Paris
6) Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
7) Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
8) Goldman, Sachs of New York
9) Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
10) Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
The 12 Central banks are:
1) Boston, Massachusetts
2) New York, New York * (Most important one)
3) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
4) Cleveland, Ohio
5) Richmond, Virginia
6) Atlanta, Georgia
7) Chicago, Illinois
8) St. Louis, Missouri
9) Minneapolis, Minnesota
10) Kansas City, Missouri
11) Dallas, Texas
12) San Francisco, California
The Federal Reserve Banking Act was passed on December 23, 1913. It permitted aliens through our privately owned Federal Reserve Banks to finance the world wars which were "planned". 4,000 pages of fine print were later slipped into the legislation. This was created at Baruch's Jekyll Island in a secret conference.
Elihu Root blasted this dangerous act in the Senate on December 13, 1913 (See Money Made Mysterious - 3rd book). A few days before the Federal Reserve Act was passed, Senator Root denounced it as an outrage on our liberties and made the following prediction:
Elihu Root quote:
"Long before we wake up from our dreams of prosperity through an inflated currency, our gold, which alone could have kept us from catastrophe, will have vanished and no rate of interest will tempt it to return."
Read more about the Federal Reserve:
Read what Congressman Ron Paul says:
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
The BCCI Affair - Largest Financial Scandal in History
BCCI constituted International financial crime on a massive and global scale . This was the largest financial scandal in history.
BCCI was made up of multiplying layers of entities related to one another through an inpenetrable series of holding companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, banks within banks, insider dealings and nominee relationships. It was able to evade ordinary legal restrictions.
BCCI's criminality included fraud, money laundering in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas; bribery of world leaders and political figures; support of terrorism; arms trafficking; sale of nuclear technologies; management of prostitution; tax evasion; smuggling; illegal immigration; illicit purchases of banks and real estate; and a panoply of financial crimes.
In 1977, it infiltrated the US by secretly purchasing US banks (First American, Bank of America, National Bank of Georgia, etc) then opening BCCI branch offices, merging the two institutions. Due to regulations, it was difficult at first, but then they were successful in acquiring four banks, operating in seven states and D.C. The success was due to a combination of flaws in regulations and well-connected lawyers.
In 1988, BCCI Tampa was indicted for drug money laundering. Interestingly the Justice Department, US Customs Service and the Treasury Departments failed to provide adequate support and assistance to investigators and prosecutors working on the case. Does this sound a little like other investigations being hampered by high up government officials? It seems to be a pattern. It makes me wonder!
New York District Attorney Morgenthau broke the case that indirectly brought about BCCI's global closure on July 5, 1991.
The other scandalous thing about BCCI is that former CIA officials (Richard Helms, William Casey, etc); foreign intelligence officials; and principal foreign agents float in and out of BCCI at critical times in its history. They participate simultaneously in the making of key episodes in US foreign policy ranging from the Camp David peace talks to the arming of Iran as part of the Iran-Contra affair. Yet the CIA denies it had any information of BCCI.
You can read the whole story at the link above. There is quite a tangled web of deceit in this story.
I question whether this network of banks was really totally ever shutdown, or did that happen only in the US? Did this network revive prior to 911?
BCCI was made up of multiplying layers of entities related to one another through an inpenetrable series of holding companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, banks within banks, insider dealings and nominee relationships. It was able to evade ordinary legal restrictions.
BCCI's criminality included fraud, money laundering in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas; bribery of world leaders and political figures; support of terrorism; arms trafficking; sale of nuclear technologies; management of prostitution; tax evasion; smuggling; illegal immigration; illicit purchases of banks and real estate; and a panoply of financial crimes.
In 1977, it infiltrated the US by secretly purchasing US banks (First American, Bank of America, National Bank of Georgia, etc) then opening BCCI branch offices, merging the two institutions. Due to regulations, it was difficult at first, but then they were successful in acquiring four banks, operating in seven states and D.C. The success was due to a combination of flaws in regulations and well-connected lawyers.
In 1988, BCCI Tampa was indicted for drug money laundering. Interestingly the Justice Department, US Customs Service and the Treasury Departments failed to provide adequate support and assistance to investigators and prosecutors working on the case. Does this sound a little like other investigations being hampered by high up government officials? It seems to be a pattern. It makes me wonder!
New York District Attorney Morgenthau broke the case that indirectly brought about BCCI's global closure on July 5, 1991.
The other scandalous thing about BCCI is that former CIA officials (Richard Helms, William Casey, etc); foreign intelligence officials; and principal foreign agents float in and out of BCCI at critical times in its history. They participate simultaneously in the making of key episodes in US foreign policy ranging from the Camp David peace talks to the arming of Iran as part of the Iran-Contra affair. Yet the CIA denies it had any information of BCCI.
You can read the whole story at the link above. There is quite a tangled web of deceit in this story.
I question whether this network of banks was really totally ever shutdown, or did that happen only in the US? Did this network revive prior to 911?
Who Contributed to your Congressman's Campaign?
The above link is to Project Vote Smart. You can get a lot of information about your Congressman from this website including: a bio, top contributors, voting record, how they view the issues, speeches and public statements, etc.
We can tell a lot about our Congressmen, by who their top campaign contributors are. It is imperative that we know about the backgrounds of these particular companies, as some have been indicted, indulged in corrupt acts, and have scandalous pasts.
How to get this information:
1) Go to the above website.
2) Select a State from the list.
3) Click on Congress
4) Choose a Congressman
5) Click on "Campaign Finances" (on the right of screen)
6) Click on the link just below the double lines. Takes you to Open Secrets.
7) Click "Top Contributors" (on the left of screen)
This brings up the top 20 contributors to that Congressman's campaign.
In my research, I have found that many of the following corporations, and financial groups have run into trouble with the law in the past, and are questionnable. Many are owned by the Elite, and have a very powerful influence on our Congressmen and in society in general, so we should know about them. Check them out for yourself:
1) Citigroup, Inc.
2) J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
3) Bank of America
4) Capitol One
5) News Corp (Rupert Murdoch Fox)
6) Goldman Sachs
7) Lehman Brothers
8) Akin, Gump, Hauer, Feld, etc.
For example: Akin, Gump, Hauer & Feld has been tied to the BCCI scandal (the largest money laundering financial scandal in history) through Khalid bin Mahfouz and Saleh Idris (owner of Sudan pharmaceutical factory attacked in 1998 by Clinton administration as suspected of supporting terrorism ) . These connections go directly to Osama bin Laden. This information is in a chart in the book "Forbidden Truth" by Jean-Charles Brisard.
The book is a result of a report entitled "The Economic Network of the bin Laden Family" that was written by Brisard and commissioned by the French intelligence community. The report was used by the French parliament to close down fraudulent charities that were funding terrorism.
Some of these companies are owned by the Elite, and involve scandal, investigations, and future goals that are not good for our country. Since we know that some Congressmen sell their souls to some of these financial backers, I think all Americans need to know where their money comes from and what is expected of them in return.
The other purpose for doing this, is to try to root out the HONEST from the DISHONEST in Congress. We know that power and money corrupts many of them, and the American people must hold them accountable for their actions.
Our Congressmen need to get the message that "business as usual" is no longer acceptable. We want men and women who can't be bought and sold by the ELITE and big Corporations, have integrity and will work in the interest of the American people.
We can tell a lot about our Congressmen, by who their top campaign contributors are. It is imperative that we know about the backgrounds of these particular companies, as some have been indicted, indulged in corrupt acts, and have scandalous pasts.
How to get this information:
1) Go to the above website.
2) Select a State from the list.
3) Click on Congress
4) Choose a Congressman
5) Click on "Campaign Finances" (on the right of screen)
6) Click on the link just below the double lines. Takes you to Open Secrets.
7) Click "Top Contributors" (on the left of screen)
This brings up the top 20 contributors to that Congressman's campaign.
In my research, I have found that many of the following corporations, and financial groups have run into trouble with the law in the past, and are questionnable. Many are owned by the Elite, and have a very powerful influence on our Congressmen and in society in general, so we should know about them. Check them out for yourself:
1) Citigroup, Inc.
2) J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
3) Bank of America
4) Capitol One
5) News Corp (Rupert Murdoch Fox)
6) Goldman Sachs
7) Lehman Brothers
8) Akin, Gump, Hauer, Feld, etc.
For example: Akin, Gump, Hauer & Feld has been tied to the BCCI scandal (the largest money laundering financial scandal in history) through Khalid bin Mahfouz and Saleh Idris (owner of Sudan pharmaceutical factory attacked in 1998 by Clinton administration as suspected of supporting terrorism ) . These connections go directly to Osama bin Laden. This information is in a chart in the book "Forbidden Truth" by Jean-Charles Brisard.
The book is a result of a report entitled "The Economic Network of the bin Laden Family" that was written by Brisard and commissioned by the French intelligence community. The report was used by the French parliament to close down fraudulent charities that were funding terrorism.
Some of these companies are owned by the Elite, and involve scandal, investigations, and future goals that are not good for our country. Since we know that some Congressmen sell their souls to some of these financial backers, I think all Americans need to know where their money comes from and what is expected of them in return.
The other purpose for doing this, is to try to root out the HONEST from the DISHONEST in Congress. We know that power and money corrupts many of them, and the American people must hold them accountable for their actions.
Our Congressmen need to get the message that "business as usual" is no longer acceptable. We want men and women who can't be bought and sold by the ELITE and big Corporations, have integrity and will work in the interest of the American people.
Project for New American Century (PNAC)
What is the PNAC?
It is a neo-conservative think-tank that promotes an ideology of total U.S. world domination through the use of force. The group embraces and disseminates an ideology of faith in force, U.S. supremacy, and rejection of the rule of law in international affairs.
The group's core ideas are expressed in a September 2000 report produced for Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush, and Lewis Libby entitled, "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century."
The document is here:
A synopsis of the document:
The PNAC, George W. Bush and the New World Order are all of the same makings and advocate State Socialism. This type of socialism started with Mussolini in Italy, Hitler in Nazi Germany and brought us WWII, the Holocaust, and Stalinist States. This is the direction our country is going in, and the American people need to get informed and start speaking out.
This is what your President and Co. have been working towards the past 6 years. Intentional distractions in society and across the world have occurred to take our attention away from their evil deeds. The media has been complicit.
This agenda has been directed by the NEOCONS who work not only in the administration, but the State Department, Pentagon and many government agencies.
Neocon List:
PNAC Member List:
The official website is here:
"Bush Doctrine" is here:
Charles Hill on the Bush Doctrine: (I believe he helped write it)
Read More about Charles Hill: (shows the character of this mysterious man)
It is a neo-conservative think-tank that promotes an ideology of total U.S. world domination through the use of force. The group embraces and disseminates an ideology of faith in force, U.S. supremacy, and rejection of the rule of law in international affairs.
The group's core ideas are expressed in a September 2000 report produced for Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush, and Lewis Libby entitled, "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century."
The document is here:
A synopsis of the document:
The PNAC, George W. Bush and the New World Order are all of the same makings and advocate State Socialism. This type of socialism started with Mussolini in Italy, Hitler in Nazi Germany and brought us WWII, the Holocaust, and Stalinist States. This is the direction our country is going in, and the American people need to get informed and start speaking out.
This is what your President and Co. have been working towards the past 6 years. Intentional distractions in society and across the world have occurred to take our attention away from their evil deeds. The media has been complicit.
This agenda has been directed by the NEOCONS who work not only in the administration, but the State Department, Pentagon and many government agencies.
Neocon List:
PNAC Member List:
The official website is here:
"Bush Doctrine" is here:
Charles Hill on the Bush Doctrine: (I believe he helped write it)
Read More about Charles Hill: (shows the character of this mysterious man)
Sunday, November 26, 2006
The "Third Way" Movement
A list of supporters of the "Third Way" can be found at the site below:
The "Third Way" brainchild was Anthony Giddens of the London School of Economics. Bill Clinton's New Democrats and Tony Blair's New Labour Party have signed on to this new political and economic thinking.
I find it interesting that many leaders are backing this new "Third Way" movement. I believe we will also see in the future a McCain-Lieberman ticket who believes in this "third way" political movement. Might be good to learn exactly what this is all about.
The term "Third Way" is a variant of "Third Position" used by Benito Mussolini to describe Fascism, whose economic policy of corporatism was seen as a solution to the perceived twin failaures of socialist attempts to develop a worker's planned economy and of laissez-faire capitalism. It is also said to resemble some of the economic and social policies of the Italian Fascists in the 20s and 30s.
You will find at the above website a list of well-known alumnist of LSE: Elliot Abrams, Michael Chertoff, Anthony Kennedy, several of the Kennedy family, James McGreevey, Daniel Moynihan, Robert Rubin, Richard Perle, John Tower (died in airplane crash) ,Dr. Robert Shapiro Paul Volcker (Fed Reserve) Janet Yellen (Fed Reserve) Dr. Dov Zakheim.
I find it interesting that these individuals went to LSE, and they have or now play prominent roles in politics and our govt. There are many changes that are occurring in the early part of this 21st Century. Are they good for our country or not? If we don't investigate them, we will never know.
The "Third Way" brainchild was Anthony Giddens of the London School of Economics. Bill Clinton's New Democrats and Tony Blair's New Labour Party have signed on to this new political and economic thinking.
I find it interesting that many leaders are backing this new "Third Way" movement. I believe we will also see in the future a McCain-Lieberman ticket who believes in this "third way" political movement. Might be good to learn exactly what this is all about.
The term "Third Way" is a variant of "Third Position" used by Benito Mussolini to describe Fascism, whose economic policy of corporatism was seen as a solution to the perceived twin failaures of socialist attempts to develop a worker's planned economy and of laissez-faire capitalism. It is also said to resemble some of the economic and social policies of the Italian Fascists in the 20s and 30s.
You will find at the above website a list of well-known alumnist of LSE: Elliot Abrams, Michael Chertoff, Anthony Kennedy, several of the Kennedy family, James McGreevey, Daniel Moynihan, Robert Rubin, Richard Perle, John Tower (died in airplane crash) ,Dr. Robert Shapiro Paul Volcker (Fed Reserve) Janet Yellen (Fed Reserve) Dr. Dov Zakheim.
I find it interesting that these individuals went to LSE, and they have or now play prominent roles in politics and our govt. There are many changes that are occurring in the early part of this 21st Century. Are they good for our country or not? If we don't investigate them, we will never know.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Jay Rockefeller Next Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman
The Rockefellers are part of the NWO Elite who are part of our current problems, and now ONE OF THEM is going to head our Senate Intelligence Committee?
This article is one more example of how OUR MEDIA tries to influence Americans into thinking something is GOOD, when it is totally the opposite. This man has no intention of cleaning up anything, as he is part of the mess. He just wants to maintain control, and will do so if he is handed this committee Chairmanship.
This proves that the CIA, which is the same thing as the oil industry, runs our country. The Rockefellers are Jewish. The Bush administration is full of Jewish individuals, and in top positions of our major departments. I believe this should tell us all something. Corruption is the issue, and not that they are simply Jewish. This administration has an agenda and it doesn't appear to be what is good for America, but only good for the ELITE.
It was Jay Rockefeller who made up the story of WMDs that took us into Iraq. So basically, the guy who created the war is supposedly investigating the corrupt war?The findings of the investigation will also be that the Jewish oil kings are not guilty of anything. The same thing happened when the Rockefellers investigated John Kennedy's assassination. Many people think the rich powerful Jews were behind the assassination, and yet were found not guilty.
The CIA lied about the WMD that took us into Iraq in the first place. Well the Rockefellers created the CIA. The first home of the CIA was located on the 30th floor of the Rockefeller Building in New York City. This was before they moved into their new building in Langley Virginia. All of the investigations into the CIA and all of their wrongdoings were "always" conducted by other CIA agents. that is why they have never been caught doing anything wrong.
Do we have ANY strong and ethical Congressmen left who can mobilize against this EVIL? or are they all bought by the ELITE and the powers that currently control our government? We need to start making a list of GOOD and BAD Congressmen and keep their names in the public eye, as exposure is one thing that EVIL hates.
This appointment is wrong, and should be stopped. We need someone who is not part of the current group who has a strangle hold on our government and country.
This article is one more example of how OUR MEDIA tries to influence Americans into thinking something is GOOD, when it is totally the opposite. This man has no intention of cleaning up anything, as he is part of the mess. He just wants to maintain control, and will do so if he is handed this committee Chairmanship.
This proves that the CIA, which is the same thing as the oil industry, runs our country. The Rockefellers are Jewish. The Bush administration is full of Jewish individuals, and in top positions of our major departments. I believe this should tell us all something. Corruption is the issue, and not that they are simply Jewish. This administration has an agenda and it doesn't appear to be what is good for America, but only good for the ELITE.
It was Jay Rockefeller who made up the story of WMDs that took us into Iraq. So basically, the guy who created the war is supposedly investigating the corrupt war?The findings of the investigation will also be that the Jewish oil kings are not guilty of anything. The same thing happened when the Rockefellers investigated John Kennedy's assassination. Many people think the rich powerful Jews were behind the assassination, and yet were found not guilty.
The CIA lied about the WMD that took us into Iraq in the first place. Well the Rockefellers created the CIA. The first home of the CIA was located on the 30th floor of the Rockefeller Building in New York City. This was before they moved into their new building in Langley Virginia. All of the investigations into the CIA and all of their wrongdoings were "always" conducted by other CIA agents. that is why they have never been caught doing anything wrong.
Do we have ANY strong and ethical Congressmen left who can mobilize against this EVIL? or are they all bought by the ELITE and the powers that currently control our government? We need to start making a list of GOOD and BAD Congressmen and keep their names in the public eye, as exposure is one thing that EVIL hates.
This appointment is wrong, and should be stopped. We need someone who is not part of the current group who has a strangle hold on our government and country.
Friday, November 24, 2006
James Webb Speaks Out
James Webb is the new Democrat who won against Allen in Virginia. He is a writer and has written some articles recently which you should read. Please click on the link above.
Quote from above article I agree with:
"The politics of the Karl Rove era were designed to distract and divide the very people who would ordinarily be rebelling against the deterioration of their way of life. Working Americans have been repeatedly seduced at the polls by emotional issues such as the predictable mantra of "God, guns, gays, abortion and the flag" while their way of life shifted ineluctably beneath their feet. But this election cycle showed an electorate that intends to hold government leaders accountable for allowing every American a fair opportunity to succeed."
Americans must get informed about the TRUE DANGER to our country, and it has nothing to do with "God, guns, gays, abortion and the flag".
Below is another article he wrote in 2004 during the Bush Kerry campaigns:
James Webb bio:
Quote from above article I agree with:
"The politics of the Karl Rove era were designed to distract and divide the very people who would ordinarily be rebelling against the deterioration of their way of life. Working Americans have been repeatedly seduced at the polls by emotional issues such as the predictable mantra of "God, guns, gays, abortion and the flag" while their way of life shifted ineluctably beneath their feet. But this election cycle showed an electorate that intends to hold government leaders accountable for allowing every American a fair opportunity to succeed."
Americans must get informed about the TRUE DANGER to our country, and it has nothing to do with "God, guns, gays, abortion and the flag".
Below is another article he wrote in 2004 during the Bush Kerry campaigns:
James Webb bio:
Stop the North American Union
If you haven't heard of the NAU (North American Union) you need to start doing some research on what it's all about. You can start at this website.
Finally some of our HONEST Congressmen have mobilized to stop this from going forward. This has been going on for years, so the time is late, but still not impossible to stop.
The plan was for the US, Canada and Mexico to become one and called the North American Union. Plans were going forward to create a NAFTA SuperHighway that would cut right through the heartland of America and connecting Canada and Mexico to the US. The border was to be in Kansas City, Missouri.
The other plan would be to create the Amero, a common currency for the NAU.
The buck stops with our President on this one, as he and his neocon buddies and Elite friends are behind a lot of sinister things happening lately, including the Iraq War and possibly 911.
I have been doing extensive research, and it is time for all Americans who care about their country and their Democracy to do the same. You must get educated on what is happening in your country. It is the only way to stop ALL OF THE DEVIOUS things that are happening.
Americans need to unite now more than ever in our history. Please get informed and start talking about it on the internet, with your friends and do what you can.
This is URGENT!
Finally some of our HONEST Congressmen have mobilized to stop this from going forward. This has been going on for years, so the time is late, but still not impossible to stop.
The plan was for the US, Canada and Mexico to become one and called the North American Union. Plans were going forward to create a NAFTA SuperHighway that would cut right through the heartland of America and connecting Canada and Mexico to the US. The border was to be in Kansas City, Missouri.
The other plan would be to create the Amero, a common currency for the NAU.
The buck stops with our President on this one, as he and his neocon buddies and Elite friends are behind a lot of sinister things happening lately, including the Iraq War and possibly 911.
I have been doing extensive research, and it is time for all Americans who care about their country and their Democracy to do the same. You must get educated on what is happening in your country. It is the only way to stop ALL OF THE DEVIOUS things that are happening.
Americans need to unite now more than ever in our history. Please get informed and start talking about it on the internet, with your friends and do what you can.
This is URGENT!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Officials Speak Out Against Bush
Following are examples of officials speaking out about bad decisions President Bush is making, and has made during his administration.
1) Richard Clarke & Bio
Bush Attack on Richard Clarke
2) Paul O'Neill & Bio
To read some notes from "The Price of Loyalty" go to this forum:
3) Colin Powell & Bio
4) John Murtha & Bio
5) Five Ex-Generals Speak Out - Calling for Bush to Fire Rumsfeld
*Marine General Anthony Zinni
*Marine Lt. Gen. Greg Newbold
*Army Major General Paul Eaton
*General Eric K. Shinseki
*Major General John Batiste
*Army Major General John Riggs
6) Tyler Drumheller & Bio
7) General Karpinski at Abu Ghraib Prison
8) General Anthony Zinni
9) Arlen Specter
10) Russ Feingold
11) Iraq - Same Mistakes Made as in Vietnam
12) James E. Hansen& Bio
13) John DiIulio & Bio
1) Richard Clarke & Bio
Bush Attack on Richard Clarke
"Frankly, I find it outrageous that the president is running for re-election on the grounds that he's done such great things about terrorism. He ignored it. He ignored terrorism for months, when maybe we could have done something to stop 9/11. Maybe, we'll never know."
"The President dragged me into a room with a couple of other people, shut the door and said 'I want you to find whether Iraq did this' (referring to 9-11). The entire conversation left me in absolutely no doubt that George Bush wanted me to come back with a report that said Iraq did this."
"I said, We've done this before and there's no connection between Iraq and 9-11. He came back at me and said 'Iraq! Saddam! Find out if there's a connection' in a very intimidating way. I mean that we should come back with that answer in a report."
"We got together with FBI and CIA experts and wrote the report, and it was cleared before being sent to the President. It was sent and was bounced back to us by the National Security Advisor or Deputy saying 'Wrong Answer ... Do it again.'"
2) Paul O'Neill & Bio
"The President was caught in an echo chamber of his own making, cut off from everyone other than a circle around him that's tiny and getting smaller and in concert on everything - a circle that conceals him from public view and keeps him away from the one thing he needs most: honest, disinterested perspectives about what's real and what the hell he might do about it."
"this is the way Dick Cheney likes it"
"What became clear to me at that point is that the presence of me, Colin Powell, and Christie Whitman helped convince people that this would, actually, be an administration that would look hard for best solutions, without regard for which party had claimed an idea first or some passing political calculation."
"politics as it's now played is not about being right. It's about doing whatever's necessary to win. They're not the same"
"Bush demands a standard of loyalty - loyalty to an individual, no matter what"
"That's a false kind of loyalty, loyalty to a person and whatever they say or do, that's the opposite of real loyalty, which is loyalty based on inquiry, and telling someone what you really think and feel - your best estimation of the truth instead of what they want to hear."
"It was clear that Cheney and a handful of others had become a praetorian guard that encircled the President. In terms of bringing new, transforming ideas to the Oval Office, that store is closed."
"Greenspan made the comment "There was too much gaming of the system until it is broke. Capitalism is not working! There has been a corrupting of the system of capitalism." (pg 377)
To read some notes from "The Price of Loyalty" go to this forum:
3) Colin Powell & Bio
"There were some people in the intelligence community who knew at that time that some of these sources were not good, and shouldn't be relied upon, and they didn't speak up. That devastated me."
In reference to the infamous address he presented to the UN tarnishing his reputation, he said "Of course it will. It's a blot. I'm the one who presented it on behalf of the United States to the world, and it will always be a part of my record. It was painful. It's painful now."
4) John Murtha & Bio
"Our troops have become the primary target of the insurgency. They are united against US forces, and we have become a catalyst for violence. My plan calls for an immediate redeployment of US troops consistent with the safety of US forces."
5) Five Ex-Generals Speak Out - Calling for Bush to Fire Rumsfeld
*Marine General Anthony Zinni
"there is something wrong with military leaders unwilling to risk their careers by speaking up against disastrous ideas that come down from their civilian bosses"
*Marine Lt. Gen. Greg Newbold
*Army Major General Paul Eaton
"Rumsfeld is incompetent and chiefly responsible for the difficulties now facing the US mission in Iraq."
*General Eric K. Shinseki
"opposed Rumsfeld's plan to cut the Army strength by two divisions and the Army National Guard by four divisions in August 2001. Then in Feb 2003 Rumsfeld told a Senator at a hearing he thought it would require "several hundred thousand" American troops to successfully occupy and pacify Iraq. Rumsfeld got even with Shinseki by making him an "un-person" in the Pentagon, and leaked to the press their version of his comments. The Bush administration officials get even with anyone who disagrees with them and/or who speaks up."
*Major General John Batiste
"The Bush administration's handling of the Iraq War violated fundamental military principles including unity of command and unity of effort."
*Army Major General John Riggs
"Reminds me of General Harold Johnson who as furious with LBJ for wanting to fight the Vietnam War on the cheap and on the quiet. I was headed to the White House to resign, but stopped short knowing I would only be replaced by someone much worse."
Later in his life, he said "I count that as the greatest moral failure of my life. I should have resigned and fought the decision."
6) Tyler Drumheller & Bio
"The administration chose to ignore good intelligence"
"Before the US-led attack on Iraq in 2003, the White House ignored crucial information from Iraq's foreign minister that indicated Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction"
"The policy was set. The war in Iraq wsa coming, and they were looking for intelligence to fit into the policy."
"This was a policy failure, not an intelligence failure. I think, over time people will look back on this and see this is going to be one of the great, I think, policy mistakes of all time."
7) General Karpinski at Abu Ghraib Prison
8) General Anthony Zinni
9) Arlen Specter
10) Russ Feingold
11) Iraq - Same Mistakes Made as in Vietnam
12) James E. Hansen& Bio
"In my more than three decades in government, I have never seen anything approaching the degree to which information flow from scientists to the public has been screened and controlled as it is now."
"the administration wants to hear only scientific results that fit predetermined, inflexible positions"
13) John DiIulio & Bio
Thursday, August 24, 2006
George Bush - Destructive Personality
In this conversation, Dr. Justin A. Frank, Psychoanalyst makes the case that President Bush has some serious mental problems that not only are endangering our country, but show he should be removed from office.
There are many different interviews with Dr. Frank about Bush. You can find them by doing a Google search on Dr. Frank.
There are many different interviews with Dr. Frank about Bush. You can find them by doing a Google search on Dr. Frank.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Possible Motives for 9-11 Attack
Means: Dick Cheney was in charge on 9-11
Motive: Peak Oil
Opportunity: 9/11 War Games
For a summary of this website article, scroll down to the bottom where it is listed in bullet form.
Motive: Peak Oil
Opportunity: 9/11 War Games
For a summary of this website article, scroll down to the bottom where it is listed in bullet form.
History and Provocation of Wars
Following are some examples in history where provocation of war has occurred, and this makes me wonder if 9-11 was yet another occurrence. Look at the websites and decide for yourself.
Operation Northwoods
Vietnam (Gulf of Tonkin)
Operation Northwoods
Vietnam (Gulf of Tonkin)
War Games Create Possible Confusion on 9-11
In May of 2001 Dick Cheney was placed directly in charge of managing the integration of all training exercises throughout the federal government and military agencies by presidential mandate.
On the morning of September 11, 2001 there were multiple training exercises of war games and terror drills. One of these drills was set up on the West side of downtown New York (Tripod 2). This exercise set up a command and control center that was configured exactly like the one that was lost in WTC 7.
It appears that Dick Cheney was one of the main government officials deciding that extensive war games would take place on 9/11. How interesting!
The US also had dozens of warnings from other governments and intelligence agencies indicating that terrorists were planning to hijack civilian aircraft and crash them into American targets.
The military is always having drills and war games, so one would also think they would be prepared for such an event. Since the WTC had been previously targeted in the 1990's, this site should have been one which should have been immediately protected.
The question becomes, is it just coincidence, or something more sinister, that these major scale war games were happening in NY, guided by Dick Cheney, on the same day that the events of 9-11 occurred?
On the morning of September 11, 2001 there were multiple training exercises of war games and terror drills. One of these drills was set up on the West side of downtown New York (Tripod 2). This exercise set up a command and control center that was configured exactly like the one that was lost in WTC 7.
It appears that Dick Cheney was one of the main government officials deciding that extensive war games would take place on 9/11. How interesting!
The US also had dozens of warnings from other governments and intelligence agencies indicating that terrorists were planning to hijack civilian aircraft and crash them into American targets.
The military is always having drills and war games, so one would also think they would be prepared for such an event. Since the WTC had been previously targeted in the 1990's, this site should have been one which should have been immediately protected.
The question becomes, is it just coincidence, or something more sinister, that these major scale war games were happening in NY, guided by Dick Cheney, on the same day that the events of 9-11 occurred?
Bush Personality Mimics the "Dry Drunk" syndrome
Dr. Katherine van Wormer is a Professor of Social Work at the University of Northern Iowa and is an expert in addiction. You can find her excellent article on the "dry drunk" syndrome at this website:
We all know that Bush admitted to having a drinking problem (and possibly cocaine) up until he was 40 years of age when he suddenly quit. After drinking heavily for this many years, one would logically think that a person would have done some damage to themselves, particularly to the brain. However, what also could follow is what this article speaks about. If you look at Bush's behavior, you can see many of the symptoms of this syndrome:
1) Grandiose behavior
2) A rigid, judgmental outlook
3) Impatience
4) Childish behavior (Example: His nicknames - Karl Rove "turd blossom"
5) Irresponsible behavior
6) Irrational rationalization
7) Projection
8) Overreaction
We all know that Bush admitted to having a drinking problem (and possibly cocaine) up until he was 40 years of age when he suddenly quit. After drinking heavily for this many years, one would logically think that a person would have done some damage to themselves, particularly to the brain. However, what also could follow is what this article speaks about. If you look at Bush's behavior, you can see many of the symptoms of this syndrome:
1) Grandiose behavior
2) A rigid, judgmental outlook
3) Impatience
4) Childish behavior (Example: His nicknames - Karl Rove "turd blossom"
5) Irresponsible behavior
6) Irrational rationalization
7) Projection
8) Overreaction
Good Website on 9-11 Research
You can find the Website map at this location:
This is one of the best sites I've found that gives good information about 9-11 and also makes the case for not believing the "9-11 Official Story" the government has promoted.
This is one of the best sites I've found that gives good information about 9-11 and also makes the case for not believing the "9-11 Official Story" the government has promoted.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
The Truth about 9/11 - One Guy's Experience at Ground Zero
When I first saw this I was skeptical, but after I read every page to the end, I believe this guy is telling the truth.
If someone will believe him, then many more would come forward and tell the truth of 9/11. The "official 9/11" scenario given by the White House is S***.
You must read this TO THE END, if you are to get the entire story. It is riveting, angering and I'm mad as hell after reading it.
Please do America a favor and get informed about 9/11 and the corruption of the current Administration in Washington.
If someone will believe him, then many more would come forward and tell the truth of 9/11. The "official 9/11" scenario given by the White House is S***.
You must read this TO THE END, if you are to get the entire story. It is riveting, angering and I'm mad as hell after reading it.
Please do America a favor and get informed about 9/11 and the corruption of the current Administration in Washington.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Call for Term Limits in Congress
Since there is so much corruption in Washington, what can be done? It would be nice if there could be an overall cleaning house, but that's not practical, so what about term limits.
Power corrupts, and anyone who is allowed to stay in Congress and in government for a lifetime has the temptation to become corrupt. The "good ole boy" way of doing business also corrupts.
There are many calling for term limits.
Power corrupts, and anyone who is allowed to stay in Congress and in government for a lifetime has the temptation to become corrupt. The "good ole boy" way of doing business also corrupts.
There are many calling for term limits.
A Repeat of Voting Fraud 2000 Florida, 2004 Ohio
Voting machines are made by Diebold, Inc. The CEO, Walden O'Dell, just happens to also be an avid supporter of George Bush. It appears his company has been given the contract to install voting machines in each of the States. The company has admitted that their machines can be hacked and are vulnerable to manipulation. Might this be the next voting irregularity to swing the vote one way or the other?
Read for yourself:
Note: Many voters in Ohio in 2004 complained they were left off the voters list or not allowed to vote. There were also complaints in Florida in 2000. We all know the corrupt debaucle that occurred in both elections putting a man into office, by a narrow margin both times, who is totally incompetent and has only his best interests in mind. So, will the same thing happen the next time an election occurs with the help of the Bush supporter's voting machines?
Read for yourself:
Note: Many voters in Ohio in 2004 complained they were left off the voters list or not allowed to vote. There were also complaints in Florida in 2000. We all know the corrupt debaucle that occurred in both elections putting a man into office, by a narrow margin both times, who is totally incompetent and has only his best interests in mind. So, will the same thing happen the next time an election occurs with the help of the Bush supporter's voting machines?
Gay Marriage Issue is Just a Diversion
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Christians Need to Wakeup and Think for Themselves
I grew up in a Christian family and know that many times Christians believe a dogma and don't consider anything else. It seems that many Christians lose the ability to do critical thinking as they become followers of a minister or a church, and thus fall into a place where they can be easily mislead.
Whether or not you believe the following things, you must educate yourself to the potential for them being true. There are too many things happening to be coincidence. You need to discern for yourself, but you must be educated first.
The current administration is a wolf in sheeps clothing, and Christians particularly need to wake up, as they are the ones who for the most part have voted Bush into office. Bush would have you think the evil in the world is gay-related, but you best look closely, as the messenger is the truly evil one.
The information below is mind boggling and appears to be true evil at work, and Christians are unknowingly supporting the current administration. Please think for yourself and read the links and ask yourself, "Could this be true?"
New World Order (These events are happening before our eyes)
(notice the significance of the #11 - This all can't be coincidence)
Rich and Famous Secret Societies:
Bilderberg Group:
Carlyle Group:
Personally, I don't know if this information is true or not, but there is much that rings true and all can't be coincidence. Read for yourself and decide.
Whether or not you believe the following things, you must educate yourself to the potential for them being true. There are too many things happening to be coincidence. You need to discern for yourself, but you must be educated first.
The current administration is a wolf in sheeps clothing, and Christians particularly need to wake up, as they are the ones who for the most part have voted Bush into office. Bush would have you think the evil in the world is gay-related, but you best look closely, as the messenger is the truly evil one.
The information below is mind boggling and appears to be true evil at work, and Christians are unknowingly supporting the current administration. Please think for yourself and read the links and ask yourself, "Could this be true?"
New World Order (These events are happening before our eyes)
(notice the significance of the #11 - This all can't be coincidence)
Rich and Famous Secret Societies:
Bilderberg Group:
Carlyle Group:
Personally, I don't know if this information is true or not, but there is much that rings true and all can't be coincidence. Read for yourself and decide.
So many are leaving their posts in this Administration
If you look at all the cabinet members and others who have left this administration, why is it they are leaving in droves? It certainly doesn't mean they are happy with the administration. It's more likely they realize they can't work with this particular President, and don't agree with his dishonest ways, and their conscience has gotten the best of them.
I would hate to be one of these people who have left, who know the deceit going on, but say nothing. They must live with that knowledge the rest of their lives. How can they not speak up?
Who will stand up? Where does loyalty to the American people come into play?
Something is very wrong in this administration, and the people in power who could do something sit on the sidelines and allow it to happen. To me, you are just as guilty.
There should be no loyalty when deceit is present.
Power indeed corrupts, and the question is Who can fix it?
Bush talks about values, principles, and morals, but totally does the opposite. Shame on him and the party who defends him.
America needs to wake up before it's too late!
Paul O'Neill - Secretary of Treasury:
Book: "The Price of Loyalty - George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O'Neill" (Excellent Book)
I attempt to highlight some points in this book at:
I would hate to be one of these people who have left, who know the deceit going on, but say nothing. They must live with that knowledge the rest of their lives. How can they not speak up?
Who will stand up? Where does loyalty to the American people come into play?
Something is very wrong in this administration, and the people in power who could do something sit on the sidelines and allow it to happen. To me, you are just as guilty.
There should be no loyalty when deceit is present.
Power indeed corrupts, and the question is Who can fix it?
Bush talks about values, principles, and morals, but totally does the opposite. Shame on him and the party who defends him.
America needs to wake up before it's too late!
Paul O'Neill - Secretary of Treasury:
Book: "The Price of Loyalty - George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O'Neill" (Excellent Book)
I attempt to highlight some points in this book at:
Good Ole Boy Network Must Go
Bush brought his "good ole boys" with him to the White House. This old way of doing things must go. There is an unspoken rule among "good ole boys" that loyalty is mandatory. Loyalty when used the correct way is good, but are we still loyal when we see things being done that are not right, are unethical and not good for America? Common sense says, No way!
As you know, Bush demands loyalty from his administration. The word "loyalty" to Bush means "do as I say, don't ask questions, even if it's harmful to the nation". Does Websters really need to change the definition? The real question is, when will some of these "good ole boys" and his party see the writing on the wall that their President has deceived even them, and controlled them to the extent they are "deer in the headlights" and have no voice.
The "good ole boy network" must go, as it is dysfunctional and doesn't allow for free thinking, independent thought or calling someone on their untrustworthy actions.
Will you really be loyal to this Administration and standby and watch the Country fall? I surely hope not.
As you know, Bush demands loyalty from his administration. The word "loyalty" to Bush means "do as I say, don't ask questions, even if it's harmful to the nation". Does Websters really need to change the definition? The real question is, when will some of these "good ole boys" and his party see the writing on the wall that their President has deceived even them, and controlled them to the extent they are "deer in the headlights" and have no voice.
The "good ole boy network" must go, as it is dysfunctional and doesn't allow for free thinking, independent thought or calling someone on their untrustworthy actions.
Will you really be loyal to this Administration and standby and watch the Country fall? I surely hope not.
Is our President truly religious?
The Bible says "by their fruits you will know them".
Well, from what we've seen of George Bush, his fruit is rotten. He gives a whole new meaning to the word "christian". His view seems to be that he can lie, cheat, deceive in the name of God. I really don't think God would agree.
Now it's time for a new election, and Bush and his cronies are pulling out the gay bait again to scare the religious right into voting for them again. If you vote with him this time, shame on you. Can you not see that he has no respect for your wishes, you are just a vote to him? He ignores you until it's time for another election.
A real Christian would not act like this President. Behind the scenes this man is out of control and very controlling with his people. Does he have them so afraid of him they can't stop him? Read for yourself at how Christian your president is and his complete disrespect for the US Constitution:
We need a true HERO to stand up to this administration. Is there no one in his own party who will do this? It must start with his own. Even "good ole boys" have a conscience don't they? Well, it's time to use it.
Well, from what we've seen of George Bush, his fruit is rotten. He gives a whole new meaning to the word "christian". His view seems to be that he can lie, cheat, deceive in the name of God. I really don't think God would agree.
Now it's time for a new election, and Bush and his cronies are pulling out the gay bait again to scare the religious right into voting for them again. If you vote with him this time, shame on you. Can you not see that he has no respect for your wishes, you are just a vote to him? He ignores you until it's time for another election.
A real Christian would not act like this President. Behind the scenes this man is out of control and very controlling with his people. Does he have them so afraid of him they can't stop him? Read for yourself at how Christian your president is and his complete disrespect for the US Constitution:
We need a true HERO to stand up to this administration. Is there no one in his own party who will do this? It must start with his own. Even "good ole boys" have a conscience don't they? Well, it's time to use it.
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