Monday, August 07, 2006

War Games Create Possible Confusion on 9-11

In May of 2001 Dick Cheney was placed directly in charge of managing the integration of all training exercises throughout the federal government and military agencies by presidential mandate.

On the morning of September 11, 2001 there were multiple training exercises of war games and terror drills. One of these drills was set up on the West side of downtown New York (Tripod 2). This exercise set up a command and control center that was configured exactly like the one that was lost in WTC 7.

It appears that Dick Cheney was one of the main government officials deciding that extensive war games would take place on 9/11. How interesting!

The US also had dozens of warnings from other governments and intelligence agencies indicating that terrorists were planning to hijack civilian aircraft and crash them into American targets.

The military is always having drills and war games, so one would also think they would be prepared for such an event. Since the WTC had been previously targeted in the 1990's, this site should have been one which should have been immediately protected.

The question becomes, is it just coincidence, or something more sinister, that these major scale war games were happening in NY, guided by Dick Cheney, on the same day that the events of 9-11 occurred?

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