Thursday, January 04, 2007

My Letter to Speaker of the House Pelosi

January 1, 2007

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Dear Madame Speaker,

Happy New Year!

Congratulations on breaking the glass ceiling (or is it the gold dome?), and becoming the first female Speaker of the House. This is quite an accomplishment, and one in which you should be very proud. You have a very tough job ahead, and I wish you the best.

I'm writing you today because my heart is very heavy about what is going on in my country. It seems to many of us that our Congressmen are out of touch with the American people, as the level of trust is at an all-time low.

We feel that we've not been told the truth about 911, and many other things in the past several years. The distrust is further magnified by how we feel we're being mislead by the media.

There are many of us who don't believe the "official story" of 911. There are still too many questions that haven't been answered, along with new evidence emerging daily about that fateful day in our history.

I'm not sure what the word Democracy means anymore. We are told that we are bringing it to other lands, all the while losing it for ourselves?

I recently found these two 911 videos on the internet. I find them to be fair, informative and very well done. They beg the question, "what really happened on 911?"

I respectfully ask that these videos be shown to the entire Congress, as we feel many have not looked beyond the "official story".

We the People deserve better from our officials in Washington. We are looking for a few heroes to arise in the 110th Congress, take our Democracy back, and reconnect with the American people who place our trust in you.

We are counting on you to be one of those heroes.

Thank you and God Bless!

A Patriot

Please watch the videos in the following order:

#1 Video - 911 Mysteries

#2 Video - LC2 Recut (August 2006)

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