Sunday, November 26, 2006

The "Third Way" Movement

A list of supporters of the "Third Way" can be found at the site below:

The "Third Way" brainchild was Anthony Giddens of the London School of Economics. Bill Clinton's New Democrats and Tony Blair's New Labour Party have signed on to this new political and economic thinking.

I find it interesting that many leaders are backing this new "Third Way" movement. I believe we will also see in the future a McCain-Lieberman ticket who believes in this "third way" political movement. Might be good to learn exactly what this is all about.

The term "Third Way" is a variant of "Third Position" used by Benito Mussolini to describe Fascism, whose economic policy of corporatism was seen as a solution to the perceived twin failaures of socialist attempts to develop a worker's planned economy and of laissez-faire capitalism. It is also said to resemble some of the economic and social policies of the Italian Fascists in the 20s and 30s.

You will find at the above website a list of well-known alumnist of LSE: Elliot Abrams, Michael Chertoff, Anthony Kennedy, several of the Kennedy family, James McGreevey, Daniel Moynihan, Robert Rubin, Richard Perle, John Tower (died in airplane crash) ,Dr. Robert Shapiro Paul Volcker (Fed Reserve) Janet Yellen (Fed Reserve) Dr. Dov Zakheim.

I find it interesting that these individuals went to LSE, and they have or now play prominent roles in politics and our govt. There are many changes that are occurring in the early part of this 21st Century. Are they good for our country or not? If we don't investigate them, we will never know.

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