1913 -The enactment of the Federal Reserve Act in the United State of America. This provided the moneychangers with absolute fiscal control over what was to become the most powerful nation in history. From this date onwards we discovered the continuing manipulation of the American dream. This dream of multicultural freedom and liberty would decay into a racial and social nightmare. Culminating in the most dysfunctional society on the face of the globe, ravaged by addiction, dependency, indoctrination, mistrust, animosity, and economic slavery. The social, economic, and military model which promised so much in the beginning of this century has failed miserably. The establishment of a Central Banking System using Fractional Reserve Banking policy would spread to almost every nation in the free world.
1919 -The Bolshevik Revolution and the implementation of Leninist-style Marxist Communism provided the moneychangers with the perfect foil to modern capitalism and a sure method of effecting divide and rule techniques. With communism firmly entrenched in Europe through the Bolsheviks, the spread of social democracy became a vital priority in Western democracies. This spread of the benign virus would move on apace until finally every nation was infected.
1929 -The stock market crash of the century would usher in a vital piece of the moneychangers' plan for totalitarian domination over global finances. This piece of brutal manipulation would serve as a timely reminder for generations of political leaders worldwide to pay attention to the whims of the moneychangers — any departure from the master plan would be punished immediately by assassination or economic emasculation.
1945 -The Manhattan Project and the emergence of atheistic science with the dropping of atomic weapons on Japan continued the breach of public trust by leadership over the citizens of earth. This example of arrogant disregard for citizens set in stone the mindset that people are born exclusively for the benefit of the state. The gradual usurpation of national constitutions and citizens' rights flowed directly from this major act of treasonous atheistic science. Other equally dangerous experiments, such as the Philadelphia Experiment involving the U.S.S. Eldridge in 1943, paled next to the shadow cast by the terror of atomic weaponry and power generation worldwide.
1947 -The Roswell crash, involving a UFO of extraterrestrial origin, marked the irrevocable breach of trust whereby the state finally abrogated all responsibility to its citizens. The ensuing cover-up and trail of lies and deceit will remain a blight on civilization forever, not to mention the nearly missed opportunity for all humans to benefit from a higher intelligence and resulting possibility for peace on earth. The benefits from back-engineering the retrieved artifacts from the crashed craft, although beneficial, could have been more productive if all citizens had been given the facts. This Cosmic Watergate would go down as one of the greatest breaches of trust in history. Such was the blatant arrogance of the perpetrators that they simply failed to recognize their acts as treasonous.
1951 -The incorporation of the Internal Revenue System (IRS), taking over from the Federal Treasury all taxation collection in the United States. Being incorporated in a territory of the United States — Puerto Rico — would hint at the illegality of previous and subsequent taxation regimes. This systematic usurpation of taxation powers by federal government would be repeated globally to insure that mounting debt interest would be paid in a timely manner to the moneychangers.
1963 -The assassination of President John F. Kennedy (and his brother Robert in 1967) marked the point of no return for the rapacious moneychangers and the endemic treachery of the secret government of the United States and other global nations. This act of treachery would prove to be an effective deterrent, warning all world leaders not to stray from the rigid path as set forth by the moneychangers represented by the Federal Reserve System.
1969 -The first human beings to set foot on the moon. The space race was a facade to camouflage the real issues involving a race for dominance by the Industrial Military Complex over the perceived "alien threat" that the militarists had invented out of paranoia and unwise ideology. Manned space flights to distant planets is simply a contradiction in terms to any rational thinkers. We must first master our own way of living and ourselves before we venture out into the cosmos.
1971 -The Group of Seven Nations' decision to abandon the gold and silver standard world-wide. This would free up the cadre of moneychanger-controlled central banks to launch a full-scale attack on the global financial system using Fractional Reserve Lending practices. Inflation, through the dramatic rise in world debt, set the scene for the whirlwind that lies in store for the world at large. This dramatic rise in debt to Central Banks and the moneychangers ensured that the master plan would culminate soon after the year 2000, as had been planned three centuries earlier by the Rothschild-inspired Adam Weishaupt.
1974 -With the end of the Vietnam War came an oil crisis as a result of the South Vietnamese vast off-shore oil reserves falling out of western control, represented primarily by the United States. With the oil reserves firmly in Russian hands, OPEC acted swiftly and decisively to effect this capital transfer, which was completed in just under twelve months. The Oil Crisis instigated by OPEC, on behalf of the Arab oil-producing cartel of the Middle East, saw oil price rises of astronomical proportions, which effectively transferred one-third of the Western world’s capital to Arab hands and the international bankers — the moneychangers. This act of greed and malice gave rise to almost two decades of rampant inflation, as production costs increased. As a result of the ongoing oil price rises impacting on global economies, we witnessed crippling global inflation. All the while, the moneychangers were exchanging paper money, using Fractional Reserve Lending, for gold reserves and their exclusive benefit.
1981 -The inauguration of President Ronald Reagan and the ensuing “borrow and spend” policy of his and George Bush's twelve years escalated the U.S. national debt beyond imagination. The Reagan and Bush years of “trickle down economics” were the final phase of fiscal irresponsibility, which played right into the hands of the international bankers — the moneychangers. The deliberate bankrupting of the United States was the joint effort of both liberal and conservative Congress, together with the short-sighted expedient policies to win the Cold War at any cost. Compromise and treachery became the order of the day, as the political agenda of unwise men and women was prosecuted relentlessly. During this period of fiscal suicide, the sacred trust that each generation owes to the next was breached and totally abandoned. All sense of virtue that remained in the political mindset was thrust into the background by ensuing generations of officialdom. The whole decade of the 1980s would break out and expose a level of crass materialism never before seen in our long history. This spending spree was further aggravated by the ever-present debilitating effect of rampant inflation.
1989 -The destruction of the Berlin Wall brought to a close the tyranny of the Eastern Bloc communist regimes. Once again in our long history, we witness a complete failure of this social disease regurgitated by Karl Marx, then executed by Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and all of the other criminally insane minds who aspired to this false ideology. We must not forget that lurking in the shadows of so-called Western societies and their democracies was the global virus of modern socialism, dressed up and camouflaged in many instances as social democracy. New phrases such as “social justice” and “politically correct” ushered in the final social disruption of the last decade of the twentieth century.
1991 -The Gulf War, under the auspices of the United Nations, would serve the moneychangers well in executing their culminating plan during the last decade of the twentieth century. The Desert Storm operation overseen by the U.S. military, in concert with the United Nations, would be a precursor for the ushering in of the New World Order. Fought over the resource of oil, this short but technologically potent war demonstrated once and for all the dire possibilities for global annihilation using computer- and satellite-guided smart missiles, with the threat of biological weapons and their suicidal consequences being averted. This demonstration of absolute power, by the only remaining super power on earth, was designed to act as a timely reminder of the technological advances that had been wrought on our civilization by the Industrial Military Complex. This complex, of course, is made up of a conglomeration of transnational corporations, all under the direct or indirect control of the moneychangers, the elitist international bankers
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
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